Conversations is an organized message board capability for the purpose of sharing knowledge and experiences, learning from other members' experiences, and pose questions to your peers about issues and challenges encountered in your practice. Conversations are organized under categories relevant to the profession. Conversations are organized by topic category and by date - newest to oldest. These posts and replies are threaded.
To participate in Conversations, members need a valid login.
To access Conversations:
Login » My Activities : Conversations
OR Login » Participate : Conversations
1. Start a Conversation
- Type in your content.
- Select a topic category to post it under.
- Click on Post
2. Reply to a Post
- Identify the conversation post that you want to reply to and click on "Reply".
- Type your reply in the space provided. Maximum number of characters is 1000, including spaces and special characters.
- Submit. Replies to conversation posts are marked "comments". Conversations are threaded.
3. Browse Conversations
- Find conversations in a particular topic of interest by clicking on the desired topic. All conversations tagged under this topic category will be listed. You can reply to any conversation as above.
Manage your Posts
You can:
- "Reply" to your posts in the event that you want to follow up or chime in on the thread.
- "Remove" your post as needed. This is irreversible.